Instead of partying like the
Beastie Boys song, we have to fight for our right to own boas! In case you are not aware, the United States Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works passed S373 AKA the Python Ban. This bill will add 4 species of Python, 4 species of Anaconda, and ALL TYPES of Boa Constrictors to the Lacey Act!
If this passes the Senate, it would make it a Federal offense to buy, sell, or transport a boa or python across state lines. If this passes, you would not be able to purchase animals from someone in another state. This would effectively cease all boa sales, and hurt breeders both small and large. Also, as an owner of a BANNED Boa Constrictor or Python, you would not be able to go to a Vet in another state without committing a Federal offense. If you had to move to another state, yes you guessed it, your pets would not be able to go with you! So what would be the fine if you committed this Federal offense? A maximum fine of $250,000 for individuals, $500,000 for organizations.
The very sloppy
USGS report (
300 pages, 15MB download) that this bill was based on is flawed and has been rejected by many of
USGS's peers (as
reported on National
Geographic's website), as well as the
United States Chamber of Commerce. Can you imagine what this bill, if passed, would do to our already failing economy? Cage builders, rat suppliers, substrate providers, snake breeders, pet shop owners, and especially pet owners are part of an estimated $3 to $4 Billion dollar reptile industry (yes that is with a "B"!!). Thousands more people would now be unemployed - if nobody can buy boas or pythons, who would need to buy equipment or supplies?? Why would people breed boas if you weren't allowed to sell them to people around the country or the world for that matter? Of course, the objections are falling on deaf ears in the Senate.
So, what can you do? You (and everyone you know - family, friends, everyone) need to contact the Legislators for your State ASAP. A face-to-face meeting would be the best thing to do, a phone call would definitely help (try to talk to the Senator directly, not a
liaison) and/or a letter would be fine. An email would be
OK, but probably will be deleted or not taken as seriously. For letter writing steps and the contact information for your State Senator, visit Hurry as the deadline to get your letters into
USARK is Wednesday, January 20. All letters will be compiled and delivered to each State's Senator by
USARK in person to show our solidarity against this terrible piece of legislation. Oh, and if are not yet a member of
USARK, join today!
There are an estimated 4 million reptile owners out there. Even if you don't currently own a boa or python, contact your State Senator anyways. It's only a matter of time before they target ALL reptiles!
For more information, I highly recommend reading the
excellent publications on this subject that have been submitted by Dave and Tracy Barker.
Labels: Proposed Legislation