l The Blumen Boas Blog

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pairings for the 2013-14 Breeding Season

You will notice a few repeat breedings from last year. As you can tell from my results from last year, most of the females did not become pregnant, but I'm hoping for better results this year! I am repeating my breeding that produced some Sugar Pastels in 2012, as well as a couple pairings that will hopefully produce more Hypo Eclipses and Eclipses. Email us if you would like to be added to the no-obligation waitlist(s) for any of the potential babies below.

1.   Leopard x Sharp Snow (Smoke x SNO3-09). Potential results: Triple Recessive hets for Sharp Albino, Anery, and Leopard.

2.   Sharp Snow x Aztec (Whitesnake x Cihuacoatl). Potential results: Aztecs double het Sharp Snow (het Sharp Albino and het Anery), and DH Sharp Snows.

3.   Blood 50% Hog Island x het Blood 50% Hog Island (Apollo x Charlotte). Potential results: Bloods 50% Hog Island, and het Bloods 50% Hog Island.

4.   Motley het Leopard x Hypo het Leopard (Yakko x Lucille). Potential results: Hypo Eclipses (Hypo Leopard Motleys), Eclipses (Leopard Motleys), Hypo Leopards, Leopards, Hypo Motleys 66% het Leopard, Hypos 66% het Leopard, Motleys 66% het Leopard, and Normals 66% het Leopard.

5.   Hypo Jungle het Anery x Motley het Anery (Tarzan x Laverne). Potential results: Ghost Motley Jungles, Ghost Motleys, Ghost Jungles, Ghosts, Anery Motley Jungles, Anery Motleys, Anery Jungles, Anerys, Hypo Motley Jungle 66% het Anery, Hypo Motley 66% het Anery, Hypo Jungles 66% het Anery, Hypos 66% het Anery, Motley Jungles 66% het Anery, Motleys 66% het Anery, Jungles 66% het Anery, and Normals 66% het Anery.

6.   Pastel Anery x Motley het Anery (Frick x Shirley). Potential results: Pastel Motleys, Pastels het Anery

7.   Sharp Albino het Anery x Anery possible het Albino (Lumin x Jigsaw). Potential results: Sharp Snows, Sharp Albinos het Anery, Anerys het Sharp Albino, Double Het Sharp Snows

8.   Hypo Leopard x Motley het Leopard (BLU6-28-11HYPOLEO4 x Dot). Potential results: Hypo Eclipses (Hypo Leopard Motleys), Eclipses (Leopard Motleys), Hypo Leopards, Leopards, Hypo Motleys het Leopard, Hypos het Leopard, Motleys het Leopard, and Normals het Leopard.

9.   Hypo Leopard x Blood (BLU6-28-11HYPOLEO2 x Athena). Potential results: Hypo het Leopard and Bloods, het Leopard and Bloods.

10. Aztec x Sharp Snow (Xiuhcoatl x SNO3-09). Potential results: Aztecs double het Sharp Snow (het Sharp Albino and het Anery), and DH Sharp Snows.

11. Albino het Anery x DH Sharp Snow (Blade x Colombia). Potential results: Sharp Snows, Sharp Albino 66% het Anerys, Anery het Sharp Albinos, Het Sharp Albinos 66% het Anery.

12. DH Russian T+ Albino and Sharp Albino x DH Russian T+ Albino and Sharp Albino (Barney x Betty). Potential results: Combo Russian T+ and Sharp Albinos, Russian T+ Albinos, Sharp Albinos, and Normals 66% het Sharp Albino 66% het Russian T+ Albino.

13. Sugar Pastel x Pastel (Atlas x Sunset). Potential results: Sugar Pastels – a repeat of my popular 2012 breeding!

14. Ghost x Leopard (blu5-14-12ghost x blu6-27-10leo3). Potential results: Hypos het Leopard het Anery 66% possible het Sharp Albino, het Leopards het Anery 66% het Sharp Albino.

15. Boawoman Caramel x Boawoman Caramel (George x Caram). Potential results: Boawoman Caramels.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Planned Pairings for the 2012-13 Breeding Season

Here is what has/will be paired up in the 2012-13 Breeding Season:

1. Hypo Jungle het Anery x Motley het Anery (Tarzan x Laverne). Potential results: Ghost Motley Jungles, Ghost Motleys, Ghost Jungles, Ghosts, Anery Motley Jungles, Anery Motleys, Anery Jungles, Anerys, Hypo Motley Jungle 66% het Anery, Hypo Motley 66% het Anery, Hypo Jungles 66% het Anery, Hypos 66% het Anery, Motley Jungles 66% het Anery, Motleys 66% het Anery, Jungles 66% het Anery, and Normals 66% het Anery.

2. Albino het Anery x Motley het Anery (Blade x Shirley). Potential results: Anery Motleys het Sharp Albino (het Sharp Snow), Anerys het Sharp Albino (het Sharp Snow), Motleys het Sharp Albino 66% het Anery (het Sharp Snow), and Normals het Sharp Albino 66% het Anery (het Sharp Snow).

3. Blood 50% Hog Island x het Blood 50% Hog Island (Apollo x Charlotte). Potential results: Bloods 50% Hog Island, and het Bloods 50% Hog Island.

4. Boawoman Caramel x Anery het Sharp (George x Tempest). Potential results: Paradigms het Anery, and het Anerys het Boawoman Caramel.

5. Poss. DH Sharp Snow x DH Sharp Snow (Jet x DH Sharp Snow). Potential results: Sharp Snows, Sharp Albinos 66% het Anery, Anerys 66% het Sharp Albino, Normals 66% DH Sharp Snow.

6. Sharp Albino het Anery x Poss. DH Sharp Snow (Lumin x Blush). Potential results: Sharp Snows, Sharp Albinos 66% het Anery, Anerys het Sharp Albino (het Sharp Snow), Normals het Sharp Albino 66% het Anery.

7. Leopard x Sharp Snow (Smoke x SNO3-09). Potential results: Triple Recessive hets for Sharp Albino, Anery, and Leopard.

8. Sharp Snow x Blood 50% Hog Island (Whitesnake x Athena). Potential results: Triple Recessive hets for Sharp Albino, Anery, and Blood 25% Hog Island.

9. Motley het Leopard x Hypo het Leopard (Yakko x Lucille). Potential results: Hypo Leopard Motleys (has yet to be created!), Eclipses (Leopard Motleys), Hypo Leopards, Leopards, Hypo Motleys 66% het Leopard, Hypos 66% het Leopard, Motleys 66% het Leopard, and Normals 66% het Leopard.

10. Sugar Pastel x Sharp Albino het Anery (Atlas x Star). Potential results: Sugar Pastels het Sharp Albino 50% het Anery (het Sharp Snow).

11. DH (Russian T+ Albino and Sharp Albino) x DH (Russian T+ Albino and Sharp Albino) (Barney x Betty). Potential results: Russian T+ Albinos, Sharp Albinos, Normals 66% het Sharp Albino 66% het Russian T+ Albino, and possibly something new - a combination of the Russian T+ and Sharp Albino gene - yet to be created!

12. Hypo Leopard x Motley het Leopard (BLU6-28-11HYPOLEO x Dot). Potential results: Hypo Leopard Motleys (has yet to be created!), Eclipses (Leopard Motleys), Hypo Leopards, Leopards, Hypo Motleys het Leopard, Hypos het Leopard, Motleys het Leopard, and Normals het Leopard.

13. Sharp Snow x Aztec (Whitesnake x Cihuacoatl). Potential results: Aztecs het Sharp Snow (het Sharp Albino and Anery), and DH Sharp Snows.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

New Pics of the Hypo and Het Leopards

I added new pictures of both the Hypo and the Het Leopards to their respective photo galleries. I thought I would post a picture comparison to show how they change within the first few months of being born. They "color up", basically losing their greys, and will probably keep getting even better looking as time passes :). The pics below have the older picture first, followed by a picture taken 5 months later.

Hypo Leo #1:
Hypo Leo #2:

Hypo Leo #3:
Hypo Leo #4:
Hypo Leo #5:
Het Leo #1:
Het Leo#2:
Het Leo #3:
Het Leo #4:


Friday, December 2, 2011

Potential Results for 2012

I had a few emails asking what kind of boas I was expecting from my pairings that I listed in my last Blog post (if the breedings end up being successful). So here they are, and remember if you see something you might like let me know and I will put you on my no-obligation waitlist for the boa you might want. When (and if) a litter hits the ground , I will contact you and see if you are still interested.

1. DH Sharp Snow x TH Sharp Snow = Snowglows, Sharp Snows, Sunglows 66% possible het Anery, Sharp Albinos 66% poss. het Anery, Ghosts 66% poss. het Sharp Albino, Anerys 66% poss. het Sharp Albino, Hypos 66% poss. het Sharp Albino and Anery (66% poss. Triple Hets), 66% poss. het Sharp Albino and Anery (66% poss. Double Hets).

2. Motley het Anery x Sharp Snow = Anery Motleys het Sharp Albino, Motleys het Sharp Albino and Anery (Double Hets), Anerys het Sharp Albino, het Sharp Albino and Anery (Double Hets).

3. Motley het Anery x Sharp Albino het Anery = Anery Motley het Sharp Albino, Motley het Sharp Albino 66% poss. het Anery, Anery het Sharp Albino, het Sharp Albino 66% het Anery.

4. Het Blood 50% Hogg Island x Blood 50% Hogg Island = Bloods 50% Hogg Island, het Bloods 50% Hogg Island.

5. Motley het Leopard x Leopard = Leopard Motleys, Leopards, Motley het Leopards, het Leopards.

6. Anery 66% het Sharp Albino x Boawoman Caramel = Paradigms het Anery and het Anery het BW Caramels (if she is het Albino) OR het Anerys het BW Caramels (if she isn't het Albino).

7. Sharp Albino 66% poss. het Anery x Hypo Jungle het Anery = possibly Ghost Jungles het Sharp Albino, Anery Jungles het Sharp Albino, Anerys het Sharp Albino, Hypo Jungles het Sharp Albino 66% poss. het Anery, Hypos het Albino 66% poss. het Anery, Jungles 66% DH, and Sharp Albinos 66% het Anery if she proves out to be het Anery.

8. Normal 66% poss. DH Sharp Snow x Sharp Albino 66% poss. het Anery = possibly Sharp Snows, Sharp Albinos het Anery, Anerys het Sharp Albino, and het Sharp Albinos 66% het Anery if both prove out.

9. Sharp Snow x Hypo Blood 66% poss. het Anery = possibly Ghosts het Sharp Albino and het Blood, Anerys het Sharp Albino and Blood (het Pewter), Quad hets (Hypos het Blood, Sharp Albino, and Anery), and Triple hets (het Blood, Sharp Albino, and Anery) if both prove out.

10. Pastel x Sugarbaby Pastel = Pastels

11. Depends on the pairing...


Monday, November 21, 2011

A new breeding season (already?!?)

Wow, it seems like yesterday that I paired up boas for the 2010/2011 season!

I put the following boas together on October 15. Most of the males got right down to business right away which is always a nice thing to see! A few of the males were "duds" last year, but another year of maturity seems to have really helped as they seem to have figured out what to do this year :). Well, here is my list of pairings for this season:

1.Double Het Sharp Snow x Triple Het Sharp Snow (Colombia x Breeder Loan).
2. Motley het Anery x Sharp Snow (Laverne x Whitesnake).
3. Motley het Anery x Albino het Anery (Shirley x Blade).
4. Het Blood 50% Hog x Blood 50% Hog (Charlotte x Apollo).
5. Motley het Leopard x Leopard (Dot x Smoke).
6. Anery 66% het Albino x Boawoman Caramel (Tempest x George).
7. Albino 66% poss. het Anery x Hypo Jungle het Anery (Pinky x Tarzan).
8. Normal 66% poss. DH Sharp Snow x Sharp Albino 66% poss. het Anery (poss. DH x Lumin).
9. Sharp Snow x Hypo Blood 66% poss. het Anery (Snow White x Diablo).
10. Pastel x Pastel (Sunset x Atlas).
11. In January/February - pair up Leopard (Midnight) with either a Motley het Leopard (Yakko) to make Motley Leopards, etc., or pair her with a Sharp Snow (Whitesnake) to make all Triple Hets.

Shoot me an email if you are interested in any of the potential offspring from the (hopeful) litters above. I will put you on the no-obligation waitlist, and once the litter hits the ground I will contact you to see if you are still interested.

Be sure to watch my Blog for updates - which hopefully will be nothing but good news! Enjoy your Thanksgiving everyone.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Snake Photoshoot

Well, I did an outside photoshoot with some of my boas back in May, and I just now got around to uploading the pictures to the website. Geesh, you think it was summer or something! I have been training for a half-marathon (Rock N' Roll in Philadelphia) and a marathon (Steamtown Marathon in Scranton, PA happening this Sunday), along with riding my motorcycle, a couple mini-vacations, taking care of my critters, etc. so the summer definitely seemed to just fly right by. I must be getting old because time is going by WAY too quick!

I am now in the process of figuring out which boas to pair up for the coming breeding season. If things work out, there should be some cool little squirmers coming in the Spring. I will hopefully be proving out some of my possible hets, and once that is done I will be reducing my collection a little next Spring/Summer. I will be selling some of my adult boas (not many), to make room for some of my youger ones that are getting older. I will be sure to update my Blog as well as my Facebook account with the breeding plans, progress pics, etc. so be sure to stay tuned. If you want to be put on a waiting list for any potential offspring, be sure to shoot me an email - there is no obligation to purchase once a litter hits the ground!

So, if you want to check out the new pics of some of my boas here are the ones that were updated:
Blade, Blush, Camo, Caram, Diablo, Jigsaw, Laverne, Penny, Pinky, Samy, SNO3-09 (I need to come up with a name for her!), Snow White (I'm thinking about changing her name...), Tempest, and Whitesnake.

Here are a couple pics of my ugly mug & Samy - I'm 6'2", which makes her about 8 feet. I hope you all had a great summer!


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Couple Sentenced

The following is from the abcnews website:
Florida python owners Jaren Hare and her boyfriend Charles Darnell were each sentenced to 12 years in prison along with 5 years of probation once they have each served their prison terms. Hare, 21, and Darnell, 34, were convicted in July of third degree murder, manslaughter and child neglect.

A medical examiner testified during the trial that the albino snake named Gypsy was underweight and trying to eat the girl. The snake hadn't been fed for a month when the girl died and was severely underweight at only 13 pounds, the Orlando Sentinel reported. The snake should have weighed nearly 150 pounds, the Sentinel reported.

Jurors rejected the defense's argument that this was simply a terrible accident. The jury foreperson did not want to be identified but offered insight into how the verdict was reached.

"Even under the most remote circumstances, it was possible that the child could be injured. And it was their duty to make sure that there was no possibility that a 2-year-old would be bitten or in any way harmed… We feel extremely upset about having to make this decision, but we believe it was the correct one," the foreperson told ABC Affiliate WFTV.

Hare's mother testified for the state, saying she warned her daughter about the dangers of having the snake and even offered to buy it and keep it at her home and in a locked enclosure.

Hare's defense attorney, Ismael Solis, argued that the 8-foot-6 snake, had been a family pet for five years and had always been docile.

"If you have children around the house and it's a venomous snake and you don't put a secure lid on a venomous snake and it gets out and bits one of the kids, you should be punished. But Gypsy was a gentle snake," Solis said during the trial.

Darnell's attorney argued, "He is not guilty of manslaughter. He is not guilty of murder. He's not guilty of neglecting that child. He is guilty of making a stupid decision and having a stupid pet."

But the jury did not buy it. "We also felt that, as the parents and caregivers, their responsibility was to preclude any chance that there could be an incident of any kind, because a 2-year-old could not protect herself," the foreperson told reporters after the trial.

Outside the courtroom, Shaianna's biological father, Joe Gilkerson, said justice was served and that he was bothered by Hare's lack of emotion throughout the four-day trial. "You got some times (in court) where she's got emotions and then some times where she looked like she could care less," Gilkerson told reporters. "I mean, that was our daughter. How can you have an emotionless face?"

According to this article, the python has put weight on, and will be used for training at Elkin Air Force base.
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